At one time, I could take my quarterly statement, and plug in the numbers to begin my analysis anew 4 times yearly. I dont want a snapshot since my original purchase, I want a precise window from 1/4 to the next quarter. That squeezes my losses and gains on a per quarter basis. Once I complained about you withdrawing this asset, and some misinformed officer said it never existed! I call you LIAR, because Ive used it for years. A snapshot of my lifetime earnings is worthless, I want to plug my numbers in quarterly whenever I receive my quarterly statement, which is a valuable asset. If you wont to say you never offered these services, please forward my concerns to someone that has some sense, because you are uncannily lying, or have no knowledge of how this system once worked. I need instructions on how to plug in forced numbers from my statement to judge quarterly gains/losses. If I get no reply, I will challenge another app to render the services I demand! Furthermore, I will (0star) your rating system Dailey!
I despise deceitful people!
D. Scott Young about Stock Market Pro: Stock Trading, Charts & Alerts, v2017